Gen V season 1 episode 5 promo: That missing time…

Gen V season 1

Moving into Gen V season 1 episode 5 a little bit later this week, the folks at Prime Video have unleashed a crazy new promo upon us.

So what are some of the big takeaways at present? Well, for starters, that the writers are wasting almost no time at all when it comes to addressing the big mystery from the end of episode 4. What happened to all of that missing time? Is there something more going on here at Godolkin? This phenomenon is not just reserved to Marie and clearly, someone is trying to ensure that they don’t learn the truth. Is it the Dean? Is it someone higher up at Vought? Well, a lot of work is going to be put into this.

If you head over to the link here, you can get a better sense of exactly what is being speculated among the students, and also how some of their suspicions are going to start escalating. Are they going to be able to still even trust each other? Of course, that is one of many things that should be considered at this point! We tend to believe personally that the stage is being set for some really crazy stuff moving forward and honestly, we are interested in seeing what at least a good bit of that is going to look like.

After all, there are more puppets in the aforementioned promo! Will they be accompanied by Television’s Jason Ritter in one of the most random cameos ever?

Also, will Marie make it into the Seven?

There has not been a lot out there about The Boys that makes us suggest that this is going to happen. Rather, we’re curious to learn more if she could be a part of some counter-organization that works to take down Vought or at least compete with them. This is one of at least many theories that are pretty fun to think about right now.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Gen V season 1 episode 5?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back — there are other updates ahead that we don’t want you missing.

(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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