Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cirie’s big revelation (day 69)

Big Brother 25

As we get closer to the end of day 69 of Big Brother 25, there is a lot to discuss in the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony. We know that Cameron is now on the block again, this time versus Cirie. However, is it guaranteed at all that he is going to survive this situation? Let’s just say that, at least for now, nothing is altogether assured.

After all, we’ve seen enough weird flips within the game to realize that anything can still happen, even on a week that should be considered a slam-dunk.

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Here’s a new variable that we should talk about a little bit further here: Cameron telling Cirie this afternoon a good bit of information, including that Matt and Jag were fully in on the Jared plan and have been trying to deflect a lot of the blame over to Cory. We think that this must have confirmed in Cirie’s mind some things that she may have already wondered about, and it has given her a new perspective moving forward. This may not help Cameron stick around, but he probably thinks that he is a goner already.

The tricky thing for Cirie, though, is that she has to be careful talking about this stuff — and she’s already told Felicia all about some of it. She could end up being targeted if it is perceived that she is trying to flip things. Cameron is always going to be a target, and Cory in particular knows how good of a player Cirie is. Cam does need either four votes to stay and three and a tie-breaker, and that is where things get difficult. The best thing that Cirie can do here is just lay low and keep working her social game — which also means making people underestimate her game moving forward.

Related Get some more news on the Big Brother 25 live feeds right now, including the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony

Do you think that Cirie is in any danger at all on Big Brother 25 moving forward?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back around to get some additional updates very soon.

(Photo: CBS.)

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