Fear the Walking Dead season 8 episode 7 video: Troy Otto’s goal

Fear the Walking Dead season 8 part 2

In just a matter of weeks, you are going to have a chance to see Fear the Walking Dead season 8 episode 7 arrive on AMC. There are only a handful of episodes left before the series comes to a close, but what are you going to see along the way?

We know that a good chunk of this story is inevitably going to revolve around the characters we know and love, whether it be Madison, Strand, or a few others. However, there is also going to be a good bit of this story also about someone coming back to the world after a long time away in Troy Otto.


If there is one thing that we can say about Fear the Walking Dead as a whole, it is that it loves to bring characters back from the dead. Remember here that we have already seen it with Madison, so why not throw Daniel Sharman’s character into the mix, as well? If there’s one thing we know about his intentions moving forward, it is that revenge is front-of-mind and he is ready to do everything within his power to make something happen.

For some more evidence of this very thing, why not go ahead and visit the link here? We tend to think that this is as good of evidence as you’re ever going to see all about what Troy is looking to do — he wants to take everything away from Madison, just as he feels she took everything away from him. Just on the basis of that alone, it feels fair to say that things are going to get pretty dar intense, no?

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What do you most want to see moving into Fear the Walking Dead season 8 episode 7?

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(Photo: AMC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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