Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Will Cirie stay on the block?

Big Brother 25

If there is one thing we can say for sure about Cirie Fields on Big Brother 25, it is this: She may need something to get momentum on her side. She’s already lost Jared and Izzy, and last week someone who was at least partially loyal to her in Mecole left the game. Now, she is on the block with Felicia, who has oscillated between being loyal and wanting her out depending on what is happening in the game.

The good news for Cirie at this point is simple: Cameron didn’t get to play in the Veto! With that, all signs do point to Bowie Jane putting him on the block at the ceremony tomorrow. However, Cirie may have to stay up there longer than we first thought … and she has to bear the responsibility for it.

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If you recall, yesterday Cirie volunteered to Felicia to stay on the block — it is something that Felicia has done many ties this season, and this is a way for Cirie to at least prove a little bit of loyalty in the game. This may be something that, at least for now, she finds a little bit of value in doing.

Now, is it going to put her in any danger? That is an interesting question to wonder about, as she seems to be holding true to this request today and doesn’t seem like she wants to bail on it. She’s put Bowie in a position where if she does pull Felicia off the block instead, it could be a bad look — also, this allows Cirie to get some loyalty for Felicia.

We don’t see many scenarios where Cirie, who has yet to win a competition all season, stays over Cameron. There are only two ways this happen: Either her status as a reality TV legend ends up coming back to bite her, or Cirie just openly volunteers to go. We’re not even sure the players would honor that if she tried it!

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Do you think it is smart for Cirie to stay on the block on Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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