Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 10/8?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Are we going to be seeing more comedy for the second straight week?

We should just start off by noting this: After the long hiatus amidst the WGA strike, we understand anyone out there ready to get more of the show. Luckily, this is where we do have good news to share that the series will be back in its standard 11:00 p.m. Eastern timeslot.

As for the sort of content that you are going to see over the course of the show, it certainly feels clear that at the center of it, you are going to see something about the situation currently unfolding in the Middle East. This is something that Oliver has touched on in the past, and he has worked to give a more measured and nuanced perspective than you tend to see in some other places.

With all of that being said, we don’t personally think that the entire show is going to be devoted to this at all. For starters, this conflict has really only been major news for the past couple of days, and that does not give the writers a lot of time in order to get something together. Also, it is important to remember that there are probably some other main segments that have been planned out already, especially when you consider that some of these are often done far in advance.

Ultimately, we just hope that we get some more humor over the course of the episode … but also still opportunities to learn things. This show does have a tendency to balance a lot of this out more so than some others out there. (We wish we could say that there’s going to be some sort of long montage in celebration of Pumpkin Spice season, but we’ve already had that — there’s no real use for repeats.)

What do you most want to see moving into tonight’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

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(Photo: HBO.)

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