The Woman in the Wall season 1 episode 6 (finale): That ending!

The Woman in the Wall season 1

Now that we’ve had a chance to see the season 1 finale for The Woman in the Wall, isn’t it easy to have your jaw on the floor. We expected something that was emotionally gripping and even still, it was hard to imagine something as powerful as what we got here.

Also, can we go out on a limb and say that this was the finest performance of Ruth Wilson’s entire career? Maybe that is a little bit hyperbolic but at the same time, we really don’t care. The important thing is just that this episode painted such a haunting, devastating picture of Lorna’s life and surrounding world. Also, there is a great bit that can also be said here about the Catholic Church and their role in certain events.

The ending for the show was largely heartbreaking, even if there was a certain element of justice and answers. The problem is that nothing can be done for some of the people who are already lost. That’s the pain of the series, and there are also some other things that Lorna will have to face herself when it comes to what happened at the very start of the series. She was arrested — she could have staged a larger defense for what happened with Aoife, but opted against it.

If there is a bittersweet element to this ending, it is that Lorna did have a chance to see her child, giving her a certain element of closure that she was long seeking. While we don’t think this is enough to correct or get over everything that happened, at least this is the sort of moment that allows for a temporary sort of relief.

We’re going to remember this show for a really long time, in particular when it comes to the gut-wrenching performance by Wilson.

Related Is that really it for The Woman in the Wall on BBC One?

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(Photo: BBC One.)

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