Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Double Eviction scenarios

Big Brother 25

Welcome to day 50 of Big Brother 25! To think, we are finally at the halfway point of this super-crazy season. A lot has transpired already, and there is certain to be a lot of drama still coming.

So where do we even start off here? Well, let’s talk more about Double Eviction scenarios. Despite a lot of second-guessing Matt, Jag, Cory, and America all seem to realize the importance of winning and trying to take a shot at Jared, even if Matt likes Cirie and wants to work with her. We’re not sure if there are a lot of other people who feel a tremendous sense of urgency here, other than of course Cirie.

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So what sort of competition are we even looking at here? More than likely either a Q&A or some sort of puzzle that is really quick to solve. Jared, hilariously, mentioned last night that Cirie could nominate him alongside Cory or America, which she seems resistant to do — which is smart given that it makes no real sense. We do have this feeling Cirie could win this, mostly from the vantage point of chaos in the house.

As for the whole “scaryverse twist” mentioned on this past eviction show, it is far too early to say much of anything on that! Our sentiment, at least for now, is just that this is something to be aware of — we’ll have to wait and see if it really matters in terms of it shaking up the game.

Is Cameron for sure going?

As of right now, yes — there was no late-night campaigning from him last night and while we think he will try something today, he doesn’t have a lot of social capital within the house.

Related Check out our Big Brother 25 update from last night, including Cory’s long-term plans

What do you most want to see happening on day 50 within Big Brother 25?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to stay tuned for get other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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