Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cory and Matt’s new ‘plan’

Big Brother 25

We knew that there would be a lot of over-thinking today in the Big Brother 25 house and for one simple reason: There is an eviction coming in two days, and it is largely decided. Anytime that this happens, people are almost always going to think themselves to death about things that are not that important.

Take, for starters, Matt getting really annoyed today at Blue and coming up with an idea that is really frustrating — but also saves his relationship with Cirie.

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Basically, what Matt is considering now is the idea of nominating Blue and Jared for eviction so that Blue doesn’t have to “feel pressure” of using the Veto on Jared if she wins. Now, this mostly stems from two different things. He’s irritated that Blue doesn’t want to put up Jared and she’s blatantly trying to play the middle. Also, this would spare him from nominating Cirie. The irony here is that this move would actually help Matt to ensure that Jared goes over Cirie, even if he doesn’t fully know it. Why? If Cirie and Jared are up together on the double eviction, Cirie will probably do everything in her power to ensure that her son stays over her. That’s the vibe we’ve gotten all season.

If Matt wants to do this, that’s great — but the idea that Jag had to help talk him and Cory out of telling her in advance is nuts. The last thing you want to do is anything that could push Blue directly over to Cirie and Jared, given that if she teams up with them and they can get a couple more votes, they could flip things and take out America if they decide that is better for their game. Having a version of Cameron that is still in the game and after you is trouble.

Related Go ahead and get some other updates right now on Big Brother 25

What do you think — is nominating Blue on Big Brother 25 a bad idea?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, stay tuned — there are several more updates on the way.

(Photo: CBS.)

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