The Woman in the Wall season 1 episode 5: A James Coyle reveal

The Woman in the Wall season 1

Given that The Woman in the Wall season 1 episode 5 is the final one until the finale, it made sense for there to be some big reveals. Rest assured, we got one close to the end as some of the truth behind the adoption agency was finally revealed.

Did you see things coming when it comes to James Coyle? He seems to be the one actually pulling the strings here, which of course has to be frustrating given that he’s been a part of the show for some time. The name Ignatius J McCullen, as it turns out, was all a part of the trickery.

This reveal does greatly inform some of the actions that we’ve had a chance to see from the character for a rather long time this season, and we understand further how he’s gone about working to ensure that women were signing away their rights against the agency.

Moving forward from here, the big challenge will be getting answers to a number of other lingering question marks. Take, for example, this question: Where is Aoife? This is another interesting thing that you have to wonder about, given that the reveal of her condition makes almost the entire premise of the series different than what was first suggested. There is something more going on here.

At this point…

Can we say that this is one of the best mysteries that we’ve had a chance to see over the course of the year? One of the reasons why it’s been so effective here is simply due to the fact that there are mysteries that are existing here on all fronts — this is the sort of thing that you almost always want to see on a show like this. That way if you figure out one part of the story, there are still others to engage with.

Related Get some more news now when it comes to The Woman in the Wall

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(Photo: HBO.)

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