Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: New HoH’s likely nominations

Big Brother 25

Welcome to day 45 within the Big Brother 25 house and once again, we could be in for a pretty messy week. What did we learn overnight?

Well, let’s start with a chat here about nominations, or what could end up being Jared’s choices for the week. It does feel like his final target is Cameron, which makes at least some sense on a number of fronts. Take, for starters, his moves last week, or his general attitude in the game.

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Now that we’ve said this, it doesn’t 100% seem like Jared is dead-set on nominating him outright. Instead, the idea seems to nominating Jag or America. Nominating Jag feels somewhat like a mistake, given that not a lot of people really trust of him anyway. However, Cameron doesn’t seem to have many friends at all and getting him out would really be what the other side of the game most wants from him. Nominating Cory and America would be splitting up a strong strategic duo, and with that, potentially also causing some chaos within the other group. Shouldn’t you be wanting to do whatever you can to cause dissension in the ranks?

Anyway, in general we know that there is a lot of time left in the game today and with that in mind, Cirie could get in Jared’s ear or some other deals could be made. Given how many people want Jared out at this point, it’s hard to say that any one move is terrible — he really just needs to win a lot the rest of the way or hope that someone like Cirie can keep him safe in the right situation.

Related Get some more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including the big jury twist

Where do you think we are going to see things go on Big Brother 25 today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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