Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: More Cameron delusions (day 40)
Let’s start things off, though, by noting this: We do tend to think that he wanted Cirie on the block and potentially out the week. He’s referred to her as the “President” of the game in the past, and he just didn’t want to tell anyone what he was really looking to do here. Unfortunately for him, the problem is that Jared’s not using the Veto and he already indicated as much. He floated the idea to Jared that they make Felicia think she’s being saved just to mess with her (yes, the guy is bonkers), but Jared didn’t want to do that. He is not going to do anything that risks Cirie going on the block.
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Now, let’s get back to Cameron’s delusions for a moment. He thinks that Izzy has a good chance of going when in reality, Felicia will probably be the one out. He’s going to miss on that, and what he also doesn’t realize right now is that Cirie’s alliance was already looking to get rid of Felicia soon anyway. In that way, he’s doing them a favor long-term since Cirie still has Jared, Matt, and Izzy as more of her core group.
Meanwhile, Cameron also thinks that he has some potential numbers moving forward when he doesn’t. He also thinks that Cirie is somehow going to be afraid of him and Jared as threats. Also hilarious.
Who is actually in the best spot right now?
It may be Jared, but only because so many people think he is with them — but we just don’t think he’s a consistently strong enough player to pull out a win. The person we are most fascinated by right now is Mecole, who really won’t be on anyone’s radar once Felicia leaves. She’s laid low at times, and she may need to have a larger impact on the game soon.
Related – Get more news on Big Brother 25, including some punishments in the game following the Veto
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(Photo: CBS.)