Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto rewards, punishments
For those who want a quick little update on where things stand at present, here is what we can say. Jared ended up winning the Veto, though we’ve since learned that he basically won it by default. This was one of those competitions where you can pick a prize or the Veto, and he just so happened to have the necklace at the end.
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Now, Jared has already indicated that he is not going to use it in a conversation with Blue, which means Izzy and Felicia will remain on the block. There isn’t really that much drama there, though we tend to think Cameron wants it used and Jag has already told Jared he should do what the Head of Household wants. (All of this does remain pretty funny.)
Since there is probably not that much that is going to change strategy-wise over the next few hours, let’s just spend a moment discussing the rewards and punishments from the competition. Jag won $5,000, Cameron got a trip, and Matt has something that is tied to Veto host Josh Duhamel in some way. (The funniest thing here is that none of these people seemed to have much of an idea of who he was — hardly the best promo for CBS’ upcoming Buddy Games.)
As for Felicia, it seems as though she has a punishment that could involve both her and Cirie, and there could also be a costume component. The same goes for Izzy and Cameron. There was a comment that five people could be in costumes, including Matt — so his punishment may have something to do with that and Josh Duhamel. We should learn more later on in the evening.
What else do you think that we’re going to see this weekend on Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)