Only Murders in the Building season 3 episode 7: Mabel’s jeopardy

Only Murders in the Building season 3

Based on what we know entering Only Murders in the Building season 3 episode 7 on Hulu next week, there are reasons to be worried for Mabel.

What are they tied to? Well, the biggest thing is a word that we would use to describe her story for most of the year: Loneliness. Think about it like this: Selena Gomez’s character is facing a dilemma where she may have to move out of the Arconia and with that, face a more challenging financial future. Her closest friends these days in Charles and Oliver have been more occupied with the play than doing anything with her, she’s been heartbroken in the past, and the public knows her for a “Bloody Mabel” persona that is not even her.

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When you are lonely, you make mistakes … and that is what we are worried about moving forward. During episode 7 you are going to see Mabel form an “alternate trio” with Tobert and someone else who could very well prove to be Cliff, at least based on a photo that we’ve seen. Can she really trust either of them? Tobert has told her a story about a baby elephant and a desire to be more hands-on in his storytelling, but is he genuine? Is he using her for a quick buck? Meanwhile, if Cliff is a part of the alternate trio Mabel doesn’t really know him at all.

So much of this show has been about heartbreak at times, and we worry already that Mabel is setting herself up for that here. Then again, Charles and Oliver are already hurting her with how she’s being treated — and Oliver owes her the biggest apology out there for what he said to her about never having a “real job.” Remember when he couldn’t get by money-wise at the start of the season? Does he remember that?

Related Go ahead and get more news leading into the next Only Murders in the Building episode

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(Photo: Hulu.)

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