What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 9: Secrets revealed

What We Do in the Shadows season 5

What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 9 represented the first half of the two-part finale and with that, it dropped quite hammer! After all, we now have one of the biggest mysteries of the season resolved and beyond just that, we also have seen the moment that we’ve long dreaded.

There is no reason at this point to beat around the bush: Nandor now knows the truth about Guillermo being a vampire.

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So how did this come about? Well, The Guide was involved after tricking the vampires to head out to Morrigan Manor for a weekend of exploits. As it turns out, she was just out to imprison all of them for ignoring her for the better part of the season. In the process of that, though, she referenced a part of Guillermo’s secret and with that, Nandor wanted nothing more than to enact his revenge and “kill” his longtime Familiar. As for whether or not he does that, you will have to watch episode 10!

Now, beyond just this reveal, we also got some more clarity on another big question: Why Guillermo was having such a hard time turning in the first place! As it turns out (and as many suspected), it was the Van Helsing blood in his system that rendered it incredibly difficult. At this point, we are just happy that we’ve got some sort of answer on this part of things, even though it would have been a little bit funnier in the event that Derek just screwed up Guillermo’s transformation and that is why he struggled for most of the season.

At the end of the day, “A Weekend at Morrigan Manor” was one of the most important ones of the season — but we just wonder when you figured out The Guide was behind all of this. Was it courtesy of the message they got on arrival? After all, that was all about the whole group being friends — something that she desperately has wanted all season.

Related When is What We Do in the Shadows season 6 going to premiere?

What did you think about the events of What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 9?

Did the events play out like you imagined? Share in the comments, and also come back to get some other insight.

(Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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