Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: More eviction vote changes…
Ever since this weekend, it felt like Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy were ready to flip the vote from Jag to Blue and had a lot of plans in place and vote-counting in order to do it. They had properly aligned some of their numbers, but there were problems. Namely, Jared really didn’t want to do it and made his voice heard often. There was also the fear that it would alienate Cory and America, since they would be on the outs and even if they were included, they’d recognize that they were last-minute additions. Jag would be more of a competition asset to them, whereas Blue is really only an asset to Jared.
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Yet, time and time again we’ve seen the Cirie team default to being pretty conservative with their play. Based on tonight, it seems like they have gone back to targeting Jag for now. Why? Beyond not wanting to alienate Jag and Blue, they also think that the benefits of keeping Jag aren’t significantly greater. Jared has suggested he could be on board, but only after a ton of resistance and frustration. Meanwhile, Mecole seems to be a pretty reasoned player who is fine with going for the safer options, at least for now. At some point, she is going to need to figure out a new path.
Ultimately, the risk that Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia make here is simple — there’s a chance Cory and America flip anyway, and if they do go over to Cam, Red, and potentially Bowie Jane (who has been isolated somewhat from game talk), that’s five people. Sure, Cirie somewhat has Matt and she has Jared, but Jared could be another physical asset who would be loyal after the save. It feels, for now, like a mistake — you have to take risks sometimes to win the game!
As for the Invincibility Power…
While it was played tonight and Cirie / Matt for sure competed, the winner remains unclear. Hopefully, we will learn overnight!
Related – Learn more on the Power of Invincibility vote
Who do you want to see evicted on Big Brother 25 this week?
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(Photo: CBS.)