Big Brother 25: More BB Power of Invincibility news!

Big Brother 25

What are we going to see when it comes to the BB Power of Invincibility on Big Brother 25 moving forward this week? There have been some elements of it that are confusing, including how it would be eligible to be used this week, given that it is not even going to be featured on the show until Thursday.

Well, here is a little more of what we can tell you, based on what we saw during the episode tonight!

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First things first, voting on the power will be wrapped up tomorrow, so there is a little more time to vote for your favorite! It’s hard to say which one of the nominees actually needs it the most right now — Jag was the initial target, but it appears more and more like it could be Blue. We could see Jag competing here alongside the likes of Cirie, Matt, and either America or Cory. It’s hard to say — really, what will be interesting about this challenge is that the top four vote-getters may all know they are well-liked before then! That is, of course, depending on how they do this. They may all play individually and are left on their own if they share the info or not. (Let’s be honest: Nobody in this house keeps a secret. They will share.) We will probably get more details on the feeds in the coming days.

On Thursday, we are going to find out both who competed and who won, which makes the winner eligible to use it this week — and yes, it is pretty hilarious that after everything Cameron did to win the Pressure Cooker, he may end up not getting anyone evicted at the end of the day.

Related Do you want the latest on the Big Brother 25 live feeds?

What do you want to see happen with the BB Power of Invincibility in Big Brother 25 this week?

Be sure to let us know, and then also come back to get some other information as we move forward.

(Photo: CBS.)

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