Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 4 nominations (day 24)

Big Brother 25

Now that the week 4 nominations are in within the Big Brother 25 house, we have at least a better sense of what the approximate plan is for the week. Of course, to go along with this we are also reminded of just how much Cameron could be screwing up his long-term future already.

Just as anticipated, the HoH — who won an incredible Pressure Cooker competition that nearly broke the record for the longest one ever — ended up nominating Jag and Blue for eviction. A lot of people in the house would have made this move, so it’s not as though we can single out Cameron as the only person who would have done this. However, the key difference here is that he is one of the last people who should have committed to such a move, largely due to the potential ramifications that could be coming for him through the rest of the week.

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Think of it like this: Even if Jag and Blue were on some level coming for Cameron, so was almost everyone in the house. He would have been better off trying to find some middle ground with them and then nominating Izzy and Jared. In doing this, you could have caused chaos on the Cirie side of the house and actually created a situation where there could have been some divides. These nominations play totally into their hands and potentially could reduce the total amount of chaos that exists within the game later on.

Jag and Blue are already joking about the complete unseriousness of these nominations, realizing that Cameron went through all of the effort of winning HoH to just do a safe and convenient thing. Now, he could still nominate Izzy as a replacement, but that is going to depend heavily on whatever happens at the Power of Veto Competition tomorrow.

One other factor to remember

While the players may not know about it at the moment, America is currently voting for the BB Power of Invincibility. If Jag gets it, for example, he could cancel the eviction and stay in the game for another week. As a result of that, Cameron’s entire Head of Household reign will have been for naught. (While we may not be the biggest Cameron fan in the world, can you imagine how infuriating it would be to win Pressure Cooker and not get your target out of the game? This could cause a Big Brother 11 level of “throw your microphone in the pool” frustration.)

Related If you missed it, check out some of our thoughts on Hisam’s Big Brother 25 eviction from earlier in the week

What do you think about Cameron’s nominations in Big Brother 25 today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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