Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cameron’s HoH blunder is — Izzy?

Big Brother 25

As we embark into this edition of Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers, let’s start by noting this: Is any HoH going to do a great job this season?

Let’s just think of it this way — Reilly and Hisam were utter catastrophes, and there is a reason why both of them are gone from the house. Felicia performed reasonably better in the role, but she is lucking out somewhat that no one has fully gone to Cameron since he won the Pressure Cooker and ratted out the flip-flopping. The closest we’ve seen to it so far is Cory telling him that there were talks about changing the vote, but mostly because Cameron hadn’t packed. (In reality, the flip debates started days before that.)

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Now, Cameron is wading into totally-useless waters by thinking up a plan that has almost no chance of working.

Where things currently stand

As we said earlier, it appears as though Jag and Blue are going to be the nominees, mostly because this is the “safe,” “what the house wants” option that can spare him any blood in the event they stay on the block. If one of them wins, however, he will consider making a bigger move. Jared is convinced it will be him; heck, Cory has told Jared there is a good chance it could be him. However, Cameron told Red just a matter of minutes ago that he would strongly consider Izzy.

Why Izzy? Well, for starters, Izzy can’t stand Cameron, so it actually makes sense to try and get her out. She does not seem willing to work with him or contemplate many deals, so this is a move that would allow him to get out a target. However, the problem is that Izzy 100% stays versus Jag, so he would have to remove him and have it be Izzy vs. Blue, which would be endlessly entertaining since Jared would probably try desperately to keep his showmance while Cirie would try to keep someone who seems desperate to take her to the end of the game. This is just such a risky move for Cameron to make since really, he could just nominate Izzy and Blue and make his life easier now.

After all, a lot of people are going to be targeting him no matter what — getting rid of Jag right now doesn’t move the needle, and Jag is someone he could’ve worked with. The Cirie side of the house is already so deep full of people with long-term gameplans. Regardless of whatever he may tell himself, he is not included in whatever it is that they want to do.

We’ll see if anything changes before nominations but as of right now, Cameron has told so many people that it’s Jag / Blue that he would be setting himself up for more problems if he tries to change it last-minute.

Related Get some more Big Brother 25 – Pressure Cooker updates now

Do you think there is any chance that Cameron ends up nominating Izzy in Big Brother 25 this week?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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