Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The Professors outed? (day 17)
Of course, we do wonder why anyone thought he would keep it quiet that Hisam is the real target given the fact that he is on the block and with that, in danger still. He informed Red about the plan, which was notable in that Red was really the only person left out of it. From there, Red eventually had a discussion with Felicia where she said she was considering the Hisam plan, but also noted Matt was a possibility. (That’s not really in the cards.) We should also note that Cirie clocked pretty quickly that Cameron must have said something to Red, since he started to act differently and more proactive tonight.
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At the end of all of this, Red tonight revealed the Professors alliance by name to Cameron … who is seemingly okay with it? He also joked that he is in some ways “the substitute,” and clearly he just thinks that he if he can skate by that eventually, he can be more of a number. He and Red also don’t seem to be telling Hisam that he’s in danger, and Cameron’s plan is to pick Izzy for Veto if he gets houseguest’s choice to make sure that no one knows how close he and Red really are. (All of this is really silly.)
So now, Cameron has some information that could actually be valuable to spread around, but we don’t know if he is capable enough to do anything with it.
Oh, and did we mention Red told Cirie tonight that Red is getting dangerous? Comedy gold here, as he continues to paint a target on himself. (We think Cirie ideally wants to make it further with Izzy, Felicia, Jared, Cory, and Matt in particular.)
Other odds and ends
Cory told us tonight in a solo chat that he wants to get rid of Izzy before the game gets too deep, since she talks too much and thinks that she’s a big problem next to Cirie. Also, Felicia spent a good part of the night grilling Jared / Blue and America / Cory about their relationships / faux-mances, which was both hilarious and cringeworthy at the same exact time. (We do think a lot of people like hyping up these romances to shift the target elsewhere.)
The Veto competition is coming tomorrow — be prepared!
Related – Learn more about the return of the Pressure Cooker competition!
Do you think Felicia should have told fewer people about the plan in Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)