Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia cements her plan (day 17)

Big Brother 25

In just a matter of hours the nomination ceremony is going to arrive in Big Brother 25 — is the plan for the future now pretty much clear? We’d say so, and it also leaves the door open for some really entertaining stuff as we move forward.

First and foremost, here is a reminder that Felicia won Head of Household last night and since then, she has done a really good job of being smart, controlled, and consistent with her plan. She has indicated to the bulk of the house what she wants, with Red being the only person currently in the dark other than her target in Hisam.

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At the nomination ceremony later you will 100% see Cameron and Jag go up on the block. Cameron could become the easy target if the nominations stay the same, but he’s fine to be a “team player” for now and live up there again. Meanwhile, Jag doesn’t love the idea of going up, but he also understands it — he has to, after he tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and get a last-minute flip going last night before Reilly’s eviction. (Obviously, it didn’t work.)

Based on the conversation with Jag and Felicia, there is a proposed grouping of Felicia, Jared, Cirie, Jag, Izzy, Blue, and Matt moving forward — we don’t think it is legit, but this is what they are saying to placate one another. The hope is that Hisam doesn’t get drawn to play in the Veto and if he does, that he throws it.

Why not tell Red?

Basically, he is the only person who Felicia is worried about ratting out the plan to Hisam, who acts as though he is more comfortable than he’s ever been in the game. He tends to think that the next week or two could be really easy, and he is pushing loyalty to the Professors, most likely as a way to ensure there is no funny business right now. Izzy is staying close to him, which is a strategy that she talked about last night to Cirie to make sure he feels comfortable.

Related The Pressure Cooker competition is coming back!

Do you think Felicia has the right plan for this week in Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know below, and also come back to get some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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