Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Reilly’s last stand (day 15)

Big Brother 25

To think, tonight will most likely be the final night of campaigning for Reilly in the Big Brother 25 house. Is it weird that we will miss her? She’s not a good player — she talks too much, the over-promises, and she developed an incredible case of HoH-itis through her first week in the house. Yet, she plays hard, she brings some drama, and at least gives us stuff to talk about on the live feeds.

So why does she have to go tomorrow night? Well, for starters, she’s made too many mistakes — even if it’s frustrating since she’s been on the block against Cameron, someone who has done almost nothing to fight for his life in the house.

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One of Reilly’s biggest issues is that she really hasn’t been willing to throw Cameron under the bus. She did it a little bit tonight by noting that he has flipped on allies before and can’t really be trusted, but that’s it. Otherwise, her campaign has mostly been that she has one clear target (Hisam) and she can be used for protection in the game. It’s not the worst pitch ever, but the delivery has been bad and a lot of people don’t need protection. She’s also waited until the past few days to have conversations with people like Bowie Jane, Red, and Mecole.

Also, having people like Matt, Jag, and Blue fight hard for her hasn’t bolstered her case. Instead, it’s shown that she has a legion of people who she will be loyal to more than anyone. The final nail in her coffin to us is her telling Izzy that she and Cirie have a lot of influence, which is never something you even want to infer in the game. Since that time Cirie has worked to spread info to other players, including Red, to likely get them more active in the game.

As of right now it is largely decided that Reilly is going, though she doesn’t know it yet and her allies are not fully aware. Jag has asked to be informed if she is leaving so he’s not out on an island, but regardless, he kind of is. He, Blue, and Matt are going to be really vulnerable moving forward. Hisam is also a target, but we don’t think that everyone in the Professors will necessarily target him immediately.

Related Get more some more Big Brother 25 news, including other live-feed updates

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(Photo: CBS.)

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