Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: What does Cirie really want?

Big Brother 25

The Veto Ceremony is tomorrow in the Big Brother 25 house, but most of the players are already thinking beyond that. What is going to happen with the eviction this week?

We’ve said this before, so we don’t think that it’s a surprise if we are to proclaim here that Cirie is the best player in the house right now. She is trying to figure out the best way to navigate through this situation with Cameron and Reilly on the block. We think she’s realized already that she does not want to play with Hisam long-term, given that he is a smart, cerebral, and competitive guy. He is a big threat. She is going to want him out. Reilly has at least some loyalty to her.

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With all of this in mind, Cirie had a conversation this evening with Jared and Izzy where she floated the idea of getting rid of Cameron, which we don’t think Izzy wants to do. Why? She may dislike Cameron, but she is worried about going against what Hisam wants at this point. It would also splinter the Professors alliance, and we think that Izzy does like where she stands within that group right now. Jared also has her concerns, and it’s really weird hearing Jared and Izzy both feel like Cirie needs to chill.

However, the crazy reality at the moment is that Cirie is trying to think many weeks ahead here. We think that in her heart, she’d probably prefer Reilly to stay, even if she is erratic and can’t keep a secret to save her life. The problem is that she doesn’t want to alienate anyone close to her, and especially she can’t alienate Izzy since she knows her big secret. Cirie is an adaptable player, and she may think she can get Jag, Blue, and some other people on board in the event that Reilly leaves. Yet, that’s a big target for her to be behind for a while, and that entire side could be weaponized against Hisam in a way that Cameron may not. He seems fine to just chill on the block and not ruffle any feathers right now.

Tonight, Cory told Reilly to start to talk with Izzy, and made it clear to her that Cirie is not going to flip on her own. It’s probably the best advice she’s gotten in a while, but we don’t think she’s listening enough. Instead, she trusts Jag the most and he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse as much. He’s been too focused on Reilly for his own good.

Related Check out other updates on Big Brother 25, including more Veto aftermath

Do you think Cirie would actually flip to save Reilly on Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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