Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is Hisam the big target now?

Big Brother 25

We are getting close to the evening of day 12 within Big Brother 25, so what is the game starting to look like at the moment? There is the potential for at least some chaos over the net few days, but in the end, a lot is going to depend heavily on how well Reilly, Jag, Blue, and Matt can play the game.

Unfortunately, we can’t say that they are altogether adept at this right now based on some of what we’ve seen.

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So where do things stand at the moment? Well, what we can say for the time being is that Hisam is 100% not using his Power of Veto, meaning that Reilly and Cameron are going to stay on the block and one of them will be sent out. As of right now, it’s Reilly and she is totally delusional about her chances.

There are ultimately three issues she’s facing, based on what we have seen so far.

1. She can’t keep anything to herself – Her telling Cory that Cirie was considering voting for her, and then Cory telling that to Cirie, was another nail in the coffin there. Cirie probably wasn’t voting to keep her anyway, but it’s another reminder that she can’t trust her.

2. Jared isn’t with her – This one is totally out of Reilly’s control, since Jared and Cirie have done a good job of keeping their connection under-wraps. However, the more she counts on Jared as a number, the worse it gets.

3. Cameron’s lack of a campaign – The case to keep him is that other than maybe Red, he doesn’t have anyone. Reilly is much more dangerous, especially since Jag is out there openly trying to campaign for her (and annoying Cirie along the way).

Reilly’s only hope

Is Hisam a bigger threat than her? If there is a pitch to be made, it’s that you keep her and try to use her numbers to go after the current HoH. Yet, we think that this is going to happen anyway. Because Reilly does have people who are already super-loyal to her, it’s just hard for people outside of that core Blue / Jag / Matt group to want to keep her since they aren’t in her long-term plans.

Hisam is for sure, though, starting to become a threat — and Cirie seems to be intent on targeting him before too long. He’s won a lot in a really short period of time.

Related Check out other updates on Big Brother 25, including the latest on the live feeds

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(Photo: CBS.)

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