Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 2?

Big Brother 25

Who won the week 2 Veto in the Big Brother 25 house today? There was so much potential for chaos here, depending on the comp.

First and foremost, though, let’s remind you of the events of the past 24+ hours. Hisam won Head of Household and soon after that, chose to nominate Reilly and Cameron for eviction. It’s clear that Reilly is his target, especially since he believes that with her out, that whole side of the house scatters. (America overheard him saying that without Reilly, the rest of the house “is nothing” — she relayed that info to Reilly, who then told Jared, Blue, and Jag. Who wants to bet that Jared parrots that information back?)

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Anyhow, the nominees and the HoH were joined in the comp yesterday by Matt, Blue, and America, who in theory are all capable of winning. Blue and America have both claimed that they wouldn’t use it, whereas we tend to think Matt would for Reilly.

So, who actually won? Well, for starters, we should note that it took forever for this comp to be over — think well over half a day. There were theories aplenty as to what happened, but it sounds like it was a timed competition and Hisam won. With that, nominations are likely to stay the same and as of right now, it feels like Reilly will be going. The problem is that she’s just so connected to a lot of other players that it is going to be hard to convince a lot of other people to keep her around.

Personally, we’d prefer to see Cameron go … but this game isn’t about what we want.

Related Go ahead and get some other news regarding Big Brother 25 and the state of the game

What do you think about the Veto winner within Big Brother 25 today?

Be sure to let us know right away in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back — there are some other updates coming.

(Photo: CBS.)

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