The Challenge USA season 2 premiere: Jonna’s play; early danger

The Challenge USA season 2

We knew that the events of The Challenge USA season 2 premiere would have some level of drama … but how bad was it?

Well, honestly we’d describe the events of the first episode as frustrating more than anything else. One of the things that has always bugged us for years is how someone, the Challenge vets always skate the first few eliminations. However, we saw Luis and Ameerah targeted almost right away. Why are you so afraid of some of the longstanding competitors?

This is probably even more frustrating when you consider that so many people were against the idea of people like Tori, Bananas, Wes, and others coming on here in the first place. Personally, we would have rather seen this show be CBS reality stars only, just because it simplifies things a little bit. Yet, here we are!

There was not actually an elimination at the end of this episode, as that is clearly being saved for part 2, which is going to be coming on the network this Sunday. Instead, what we ended up seeing here was a mass deliberation as to who the first showdown was going to be. The Red Team and the Blue Team joined forces after the Blue Team won and with that, the message was sent to go after members of the Green Team.

Who is in danger at the moment?

After the secret vote, we started to get a better sense of things. Michele got three votes and with that, found herself in a little bit of danger almost right away. Monte, meanwhile, got four — and the same goes for Bananas! Someone actually targeted a Vet! Also, Jonna chose to be chaotic and vote for someone on her own team — did you see that coming? We have a cliffhanger now, so we’ll have to wait to Sunday to see who is actually competing.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Challenge USA, including a look at what the future holds

What did you think about the events of The Challenge USA season 2 premiere?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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