Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Luke, the main character? (day 6)

Big Brother 25

We knew that there were going to be some surprises within the world of Big Brother 25 today, and we can’t be surprised that we are getting more of them now. Or, to be specific, that we are getting them courtesy of Luke.

For most of the past five days, we have seen this guy just wander around the house with no clear idea as to what is going on in the game. This is one of the reasons why there has been that crazy speculation that he is a secret twin. It feels like we get different sides to him often, but today, Luke is giving off big Main Character energy. He’s held a lot of solo conversations as he realizes he needs to play the game … and also that he wasn’t doing enough before.

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So where does his loyalty lie? That’s the big question, as both sides of the house clearly want him. There’s a recognition that he is a physical threat, and that is something that Cirie’s side clearly needs. After all, they don’t have a lot of super-physical players other than Hisam, and that could hurt them in some aspects of the game. (They do have Jared, but if he wins power, he may expose his allegiances.) Meanwhile, we’re not sure his social connections are as strong with Reilly’s side, but we do get the feeling he wants to be where he perceives the comp winners are going to be.

Luke and Cory both are going to be really interesting to watch over the next few days as they could go to almost either side. Here’s how we would actually assess the house right now.

Side 1 – Cirie, Hisam, Felicia, Jared, Izzy, Mecole, and Bowie.

Side 2 – Reilly, America, Jag, Matt, and Blue.

Everyone else feels a little bit more flexible for now, and even Jared can play both sides! Cirie’s side has the numbers of advantage and honestly, they are better strategic and social players. They also know a lot about Reilly’s alliances; meanwhile, she doesn’t know as much about the other side.

Related Read more on Big Brother 25 right now, including the Luke – twin theories

Where do you think Luke will fall into the Big Brother 25 game in the end?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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