Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 7/31?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

If Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Are we going to see the show finally on its way back after three months away?

It probably goes without saying, but we would love to see more installments of the series on the air in the relatively near future … but that’s just not going to be the case here. Unfortunately, we are still stuck waiting to see what happens with the writers’ and actors’ strikes. Or, to be specific, the networks and studios not working to give them what they deserve. Their demands are more than reasonable, as they are just hoping to have a viable long-term future.

Unfortunately, until a deal is done, Last Week Tonight is not going to be back on the air. It could be in a month or two; or, it may not happen until closer to the end of the year. Typically, the late-night show ends its season at some point in mid-to-late November, and we tend to think that will be the case again here regardless of if the strike is over at that point or not. If it’s not, there’s a chance that we will be waiting until we get around to February for new episodes.

If you absolutely do want to get your fix of Oliver, the only thing that we can tell you is to either watch old segments, check out his interviews on other late-night shows (he has some good ones), or, make sure that you see some of the clips of him out there on the picket lines. We don’t think that it comes as some enormous shock, but he’s been a pretty big-time advocate for all of the striking actors and writers, and we don’t exactly think that this will change soon.

For now, let’s keep crossing our fingers and hoping for a deal — but for the actors and writers first more so than us getting to see a TV show back immediately.

What do you most want to see moving into Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, whenever it does return?

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(Photo: HBO.)

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