What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3: Still human?

What We Do in the Shadows season 5As we get prepared for What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3, let’s put the focus on Guillermo for a moment, shall we?

After all, as of right now it feels like this character is at the focal point of almost everything that we are seeing this season. He tried to become a vampire — yet, he still hasn’t. There is still somewhat quite strange going on here and clearly, this is a not-so-easy thing to identify. He has some vampire characteristics but clearly, not all of them.

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The big question that we personally think you have to ponder over right now is whether or not he is actually still moving towards becoming more of a vampire at all. In the first two episodes, we saw that he could sprout bad ears and he had a taste for a lot of raw meat. If we see further progression in episode 3, there’s a chance that for whatever reason he is turning, but at a far slower rate.

If he does not show any progression, however, that’s where we have to start to raise some other questions. Those include, of course, whether or not he’s going to be stuck in some limbo and by virtue of that, he may need to find a way to change. We personally think that he may need to cure himself in order to ensure that on some level, he can insure that he or Nandor don’t die. For us personally, this is one of the things we’re most excited to see. Let’s hope that there are a lot of big twists and turns still ahead … but also that the show remains funny every single step of the way. Why wouldn’t we be pulling for that?

Related Get a preview now for this episode of What We Do in the Shadows right now

What do you most want to see moving into What We Do in the Shadows season 5 episode 3 tomorrow night?

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(Photo: FX.)

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