Did Lance Armstrong leave Stars on Mars in season 1 episode 6?

Stars on Mars season 1

Did Lance Armstrong leave Stars on Mars at some point during season 1 episode 6? We certainly had this question entering the hour, and understandably so.

After all, let’s set things up in the following terms for a moment here — coming into the installment, there were a ton of previews out there suggesting that the cyclist was looking to ask out of Mars at the end of the mission. Why? Well, there was clear tension between him and other contestants, stemming from some of the comments he made in regards to trans athletes. Even before that, he was having some issues getting along with Ariel Winter. He argued in some previews that because there were new contestants on the show now, the competition did not even need him in the same way that they did beforehand.

So did he actually exit by the end of the hour? Well, this is the thing: Sometimes, people threaten to leave a reality show and never actually do. We have seen a whole flurry of instances of this over the course of the genre’s history. The biggest reason to believe Lance in advance here is simply because in general, celebrities do have a tendency to leave these competition shows faster than their non-famous counterparts.

So what actually happened here? Well, as some of you predicted, he did not actually end up leaving. That tends to happen a lot on these shows, where someone threatens to say goodbye and it does not end up actually happening at the end of the day. He gets to stay around and see if he can build any new relationships but at this point, we don’t really think it is going to work out that well.

Related Get some more news regarding Stars on Mars and what could be coming up as we move forward this season

What did you expect to see happen with Lance Armstrong over the course of Stars on Mars season 1 episode 6?

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(Photo: Fox.)

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