The Witcher season 3 finale: A path to Liam Hemsworth as Geralt

The Witcher season 3

As you prepare for the end of The Witcher season 3 a little bit later this month, why not go ahead and discuss the finale? Or, to be specific, why not think about the show going from Henry Cavill to Liam Hemsworth?

For those who are not aware at the moment, Cavill is departing the show and his role as Geralt at the end of season 3 — he has not spoken in-depth about his decision to exit the show and at the end of the day, his decisions are his own. We just have to prepare for what is going to be a very new era for the show, one that could has some exciting moments but at the same time, a different feel.

What we can say is that based on what we’re hearing right now, it does seem like the producers do have a plan to make the change between actors work — while also making it fitting for the larger story. Speaking to Nerdist, here is what Tomek Baginski had to say on the subject:

“We have a very, very good plan to introduce our new Geralt and our new vision for Geralt with Liam… Not going deeply into those ideas because this will be a huge spoiler, [but] it’s also very, very close to the meta ideas which are deeply embedded in the books, especially in book five.

“It’s very lore-accurate … It’s very close to what was set out in the books, and I think this change will be quite flawless.”

We’ll admit that personally, we would be pretty terrified about the prospect of calling anything flawless, especially since TV fans are among the most discerning audience out there. We are going to give Hemsworth a chance as Geralt, but it is going to be quite an unusual transition to have to make three years into the show.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Witcher right now

What do you most want to see through the rest of The Witcher season 3?

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(Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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