Cruel Summer season 2 episode 6 sneak peek: The simpler times

Cruel Summer season 2

Tomorrow night on Freeform, you are going to have a chance to dive head-first into the world of Cruel Summer season 2 episode 6. Are we going to get some answers?

Of course, the response that we would have to this question is rather simple: Define “answers.” We don’t think the writers are going to suddenly resolve all the questions that people have about Luke’s death as of yet, but could inch a little bit closer to getting there? Absolutely. We tend to think that the main objective here is going to be rather simple: Helping us to better understand where some characters are at across three timelines and help to better understand their motivations. It would be cool to get more info on Isabella’s past, especially since it seems like she may be a fugitive from justice … but is that the case?

For now, we should just say that the latest sneak preview courtesy of Freeform focuses a little bit more on simpler, happier times for Megan in particular. If you head over to the link here, you can see a little more of what we are talking about here! Megan and Luke are taking part in what is a beer-pong invitational of all things … something that tragically, is not going to be annual event for the two of them.

Is there something to be said for how inebriated Luke already appears to be? Well, if nothing else, we know this: Cruel Summer is not a long enough show to give us scenes solely for the heck of it. Every single thing we are getting a chance to check out is for a reason. Somehow, a lot of pieces are going to be connected — it’s just a matter of when and then how.

It does still remain a remarkable contrast how different this Megan is from the one we see one year later — that much is clear.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Cruel Summer now, including other details all about the future

What do you think we are going to see moving into Cruel Summer season 2 episode 6?

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(Photo: Freeform.)

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