Young Rock, Grand Crew both canceled at NBC

Young Rock season 3

Weeks after the formal end of the TV season, NBC has made decisions on two comedies still in limbo in Young Rock and Grand Crew.

Unfortunately, we cannot say that it is altogether good news. According to Deadline, both shows have been canceled following their third and second seasons, respectively. The reasoning behind this is a simple matter of performance, as neither drew the ratings necessary in order to continue.

So why did the decision take so long? It had a lot to do with the fact that in theory, NBC really wanted to make more episodes of both of them and we understand why. Young Rock and Grand Crew both had some good things that they brought to the table. In the case of the former, obviously the network wanting to be in business with Dwayne Johnson, and they did give the show multiple runs and opportunities. We don’t think it really had the best timeslot in season 3, but that often happens to comedies.

With Grand Crew, meanwhile, we think more of the hope was that it would find a really big streaming audience after the fact. It had a young and really talented cast that with enough time, could have really grown into something special. It was well on its way, but it just couldn’t find an audience.

While it’s hard to ever say for sure that a series is 100% done, we have a hard time envisioning either one of these ending up somewhere else down the road. You do have the ratings to consider and beyond just that, there’s also the simple fact that the writers’ strike makes it hard to know when either one of these shows would even be able to start production again. That may create challenges for a network or service looking to acquire them.

What do you think about both Young Rock and Grand Crew being canceled over at NBC?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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