Big Brother 25 preview: More throwbacks ahead?

Big Brother 24

As we prepare for the Big Brother 25 premiere in early August, how much can you expect this season to look towards the past?

The first thing we should say here is this: If you think “looking towards the past” means returning players, you’d be wrong. CBS has already noted that there are all-new players coming on board this season; while it is possible that they will change their minds, that is not something that we would bank on!

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Instead, we are moving forward into the new season with the expectation that a lot of the throwbacks are going to be tied more towards what we see with some of the challenges and the house itself. In the initial premiere-date announcement, the network made it clear that this milestone challenge will celebrate what came before. We wouldn’t be shocked if former players came in as competition hosts, or that there was a chance to see some competitions that we haven’t seen in a long time. (Please, pressure cooker!)

One of the real treats with Big Brother is that there are fans out there that have been watching for the better part of two-plus decades. With that in mind, we really hope that the upcoming batch of episodes honors just about every part of the show. Don’t give in just to recently bias! We’re pretty confident that there will be a lot of references to what we consider the “current” era of the show, which we tend to think started around season 16 or so. We do want to reflect on season 2, season 3, or some more recent, iconic seasons like what we had in Big Brother 10 or Big Brother 14.

Hopefully, a few more teases about possible throwbacks will be clear before the show returns on August 2.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including more discussion about a cast reveal

What are you the most excited to see moving into Big Brother 25 when it premieres?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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