Magnum PI season 5 episode 10: Will TC ever walk again?

Magnum PI season 5

We knew that Magnum PI season 5 episode 10 was going to have some major twists, and there was definitely a big one with TC.

Ultimately, what we are looking at here is a case of good news and bad … so where should we ultimately start? From our vantage point, it feels better to point out and celebrate the fact that the character is still alive, mostly because there was a time in which this absolutely was not assured. His fate was touch-and-go but luckily, he has found a way to pull through!

With that being said, we do unfortunately have to point out some of the bad news now, as well: There is a serious chance that the character never walks again. He ended this episode still in the hospital. While the operation was able to remove the bullet fragments, he faces a long road to recovery and this means the possibility that everything is different for him from here on out.

As Higgins told Cade at the end of the hour, there is still reason for hope. If there is one thing that we know about Stephen Hill’s character, it is that he is resilient. We personally wouldn’t be that shocked if the second part of this season picks up where the most-recent story left off and within that, we start to see TC fight to get a little bit better.

While the good news is that the Ohana seems to be freed now of some of the threats around Captain Greene, it’s also clear that some parts of it are going to longer. At least a part of the second part of this season could be themed around recovery. It’s best to be prepared for that far in advance, while still hoping for the best.

Related Check out some further discussion on Magnum PI, including more of our hopes for a season 6

How are you feeling following the events of Magnum PI season 5 episode 10 over on NBC?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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