The Blacklist season 10: Is Wujing set for series finale?

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Just how long are we going to see Wujing around on The Blacklist season 10? We know this question has been out there for a long time. We’ve certainly theorized here and there that Chin Han’s arc as the character would be wrapping up around the midway point of the season, especially since it feels like Reddington is about to put his big retaliation plan into action.

However, some new evidence definitely suggests that the character could be playing a part in the show longer than we expected, and we will have to wait and see just what comes as a result of that.

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So what can we share as evidence at the moment? Think in terms of a new post from Han on Instagram, which certainly amps up the mystery of if Wujing is around or not for the series’ endgame. It is certainly possible that this is an old photo meant to generate discussion, but we have to at least entertain the possibility that the character is around all season. After all, it’s also worth remembering here that there is no ‘Wujing: Conclusion” episode revealed yet and we tend to think that would be the case if his arc is about to end.

Is it actually possible that Reddington’s plan over the next 72 hours fails? That’s something that we have to wonder about at this point, especially since he’s spent the better part of this season completely downplaying Wujing as a threat. He even noted on this past episode that he is more of a pest than anything else, and he tends to think that whatever he is going to execute here will make it so much easier for the Task Force and Reddington to go about their business moving forward without any further threats.

We’ll wait and see what happens here but for now, we do tend to think that Reddington may be underestimating his opponent a little too much…

Related Be sure to get more news on the next The Blacklist, titled “The Troll Farmer, Part 3”

Do you think that Wujing is going to be around for The Blacklist series finale when it airs on NBC?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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