Magnum PI season 5 episode 9: Jay Hernandez talks directing!

Magnum PI season 5

Sunday night is going to bring Magnum PI season 5 episode 9 to NBC, and it is absolutely a huge one for Jay Hernandez. After all, he is in the director’s chair! This isn’t the first time that he has taken on the role, but this is still an exciting opportunity for him to use a different part of his creative brain. Because of his busy schedule as an actor on the show, it’s hard to take on an episode more than once in a given season.

So what’s going to make this one (titled “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”) special? A part of it will be the story, and another part will be Jay’s distinct visual flair.

If you head over to the link here, you can see a new video from the show’s official Twitter that gives you more insight on the story. Jay notes that the episode allows for an opportunity to shoot things in a way that is atypical for the series, largely as a result of some hallucinations Higgins is suffering from — presumably while doing a case at a psychiatric facility. (Does this confirm that the proposal scene isn’t real? Feels that way, though a lot of you probably suspected this anyway.)

Meanwhile, you also get in this video more from Perdita Weeks, Zachary Knighton, Stephen Hill, and Amy Hill as they all talk about working with Jay. We imagine that there must be something quite nice having a good friend and colleague like him in the air, given that there is an established camaraderie already there.

Don’t forget…

In the second half of this season, you are also going to have a chance to see some episodes directed by the likes of Knighton and Weeks. It’s clear that Magnum PI as a show is happy to give some of its cast members these opportunities, and it is easy to be pretty excited about this from the outside looking in. After all, isn’t this really the sort of thing you want from a show this many years into its run.

Remember that Jay’s episode airs Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on NBC.

Related Get some more news on this weekend’s Magnum PI, including another preview that further sets the stage

What are you most excited to see from Jay Hernandez as the director of Magnum PI season 5 episode 9?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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