Grey’s Anatomy season 19 finale spoilers: On Meredith’s return

Grey's Anatomy season 19

We know that the Grey’s Anatomy season 19 finale is going to be coming to ABC a little bit later this week, and there is a lot to be excited about.

Will there be drama? You better believe it! That’s what this show, after all, is really all about. Yet, along the way remember that there are also some things to be happy about, and that includes the return of Ellen Pompeo as Meredith. There is also ready chatter, for those wondering, that she will at least make an appearance or two in season 20, if not more.

We know that when Meredith left Seattle, it felt a little bit anticlimactic for some, and hardly a goodbye to one of the most iconic characters in the history of the show. As it turns out, though, that was intentional. Here is what Grey’s Anatomy showrunner Krista Vernoff had to say on the matter to TVLine:

It wasn’t a farewell episode, it was a leaving-Seattle episode, because we knew we were going to see Meredith again this season and more next season as well. So it was a different kind of farewell than some that we’ve done where it’s like, ‘That’s the last you’re ever going to see that person.’ We didn’t want to do that. We wanted a sweet ‘See you later’ kind of thing for Ellen. And then, we’ve still got her voiceover anchoring the show, which I think has a much bigger impact than anyone is fully aware of. Maybe for that reason, I have felt that the show’s been pretty steady.

In the end, we do think that there is going to be some really exciting stuff for Meredith moving forward. There’s still hope for her and Nick! Beyond just that, we also think that there could be chances for some exciting stuff from a career perspective for her. We just can’t wait to get some more details.

Related Check out some more Grey’s Anatomy information now, including other scoop on the future

What are you most hoping to see right now when it comes to the Grey’s Anatomy season 19 finale?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates coming down the road. (Photo: ABC.)

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