Grey’s Anatomy season 19 episode 13: How will Maggie leave?

Grey's Anatomy season 19

As we get ourselves prepared for the next few episodes of Grey’s Anatomy season 19, we are finding ourselves in a unique spot. After all, we know that Maggie is leaving the show! There isn’t any drama there, so with that, the questions move into other directions. Take, for example, just how that it could happen.

If you are the producers, the biggest thing that you should really want at this point is to simply come up with an exit that makes at least some sort of sense for this character. Maggie doesn’t seem like the sort of person who would just up and leave for no reason, right? Well, she has more in common with Ellis, it seems, than even Meredith at this point. She is incredibly career-focused and judging from the promo for episode 13 next week, a job opportunity in Chicago could cause her to depart.

While this could be an exciting opportunity for this character, there are questions that come with it. Take, for example, just how this would impact things with Winston.

Is that character still going to be around on the show long-term? That’s something that we wish we had some sort of clear answer to at the moment! We know that it would absolutely be great to see him around for a little while longer, if for no other reason than that he brings a new element. Also, we don’t think that any other cast member should have to leave just because Kelly McCreary chose to. Then again, that also implies that Winston and Maggie could split.

As you can see, this is all quite complicated, but go ahead and know that Maggie is not going to depart Grey’s Anatomy within this particular episode. That seems to be set instead for episodes 14 and 15, which are going to take place over the course of one night.

Just like with Ellen Pompeo, we imagine that the door will be open again for McCreary to leave if she chooses. Time will tell in that regard.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy right now, including more on what lies ahead

What do you most want to see from Maggie before she departs Grey’s Anatomy season 19?

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