Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: The Crown + nominations, Veto!

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There are a few notable headlines to get into from this morning’s Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Daily, even if there was not that much in the way of significant gametalk. (Seriously, we got maybe a few minutes amidst a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t matter.)

Granted, we will admit that it’s hard to have super-high expectations here given that fact that this is Whodunnit Week and nobody wants to say the wrong thing to the wrong person.

Without further ado, let’s start with what we learned over the weekend, if you missed it. Santina confirmed to Jonathan that she is the anonymous Head of Household. We’ve now learned that she nominated Ty and Dan for eviction. We know that this will come as a shock (or not), but Ty didn’t go through on his promise to leave the game in the event he was put up on the block. That makes him 0-for-2 when it comes to his threats of that nature.

Who won Veto – Well, it seems as though Daniel has it! This marks his first competition win and there are active conversations about what he might do. It sounds as though he could use it on Ty, which isn’t a huge shock given that he had an allegiance to him and Zach. Also, this ensures that he has the ability to be safe if Ty does win power down the road.

Here is another reminder that Ty is not the target this week anyway — it’s Dan. If Daniel removes him, he may not ruffle as many feathers … but there could still be questions.

Enter The Crown

Do we have a new, named alliance in the game? It seems like it, with it consisting of Daniel, Kuzie, Hope, and Jonathan. It seems as though Anika and Santina might be in it, but there’s not enough confirmed info on that right now. Jonathan, Kuzie, and Hope do feel like the most dangerous players right now, largely in that they have a lot of friends in the game at this point. The real danger for them is if Ty does win HoH down the road…

Related Check out some other insight from Zach’s exit on Big Brother Canada

Where do you think we are going to see things go on Big Brother Canada 11 this week?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: Global.)

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