Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: The Whodunnit Week target

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As expected, there is no Digital Daily from within the Big Brother Canada 11 house today, but there are things to report.

Take, for example, who is the real target for the week going to be, as there are a few more things we’ve gathered from yesterday’s footage from the house.

As previously noted, Santina seems to be the secret Head of Household — she’s told Jonathan about it, and there’s no reason for her to lie. It sounds like, at least for now, that her primary target is Dan and we understand that. Remember this: Ty is already threatening to walk if he touches the block, and if he’s going to be that disconnected from the game, he’s really not as big of a threat right now. Can he win competitions later? Sure, but we cannot think of a single scenario where he is going to win this game.

Also, remember that Santina has nominated Dan before, so she’s not burning many people putting him on the block. He can go up alongside Shanaya or Claudia, and that leaves Ty open as a replacement nominee if need be.

Is Santina doing a good job recovering from her first Head of Household?

In some ways, we get the sense that she’s trying and doesn’t not want to be seen as controlling anyone else. Yet, we do think there are people who are going to have a hard time ever trusting her again. She may need to win a lot of competitions to have a real chance a little bit later on in the season but for now, she may be able to skate by for a while on the basis of there being bigger fish to fry. So long as Ty is there, he will almost always be a target over her.

Hopefully, tomorrow’s update will at least give us nominations and the Veto — it’s a shame that we won’t see anything from the house itself until we get around to Tuesday night.

Related Get more news all about Zach’s departure from Big Brother Canada

What would you do if you were Head of Household on Big Brother Canada 11 this week?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for other updates. (Photo: Global.)

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