Blue Bloods season 13: Who is Carly Gilson in episode 16?

Blue Bloods season 14

Who is Carly Gilson on Blue Bloods season 13 episode 16? She is at the center of Frank’s storyline, and certainly a different one than he’s used to.

Here’s what we can say about Carly entering the episode. She is a cop who, per Frank, is very good at her job. There’s never been a single issue when it comes to her out in the field.

However, there are now some questions when it comes to what she is doing in her private life — namely, some racy photos of her that have surfaced on the internet. These are photos that were done in a tasteful manner and were taken by Carly willingly. There’s nothing in here at all that is illegal in nature.

Yet, there’s a PR crisis that emerges — does what someone does in their off hours really impact someone’s ability to do their job? Is the NYPD too prudish to handle something like this? Of course, this story is going to be one about judgment and how Frank and the rest of the department view something that everyone has so many different views about. As Baker does point out in the episode, everyone does disrobe multiple times a day — yet, Frank counters that most of that is not for public consumption.

Of course, the challenge for Frank here is simply that this is a very different issue than he’s used to taking on, especially since these photos are meant to draw a certain reaction out of people. That part of this is unavoidable.

In general, though, we felt entering this Blue Bloods episode that there would be resolution on the Carly story — mostly because there was no reason for that not to happen. Just remember that this is a very procedural show that is almost always out for giving stories a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end. We didn’t exactly think that this episode was meant to be an exception to that. Why in the world would it be, all things considered?

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What did you expect to see when it comes to the Carly Gilson story entering Blue Bloods season 13 episode 16 on CBS?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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