Chicago PD season 10 episode 17: Burgess and Ruzek kiss!

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Tonight, Chicago PD season 10 episode 17 finally delivered something that we’ve all been waiting for — and let’s just say there was mass rejoicing. Burgess and Ruzek finally kissed! (Actually, they did that and then some.)

After another tough, emotional episode (plus some therapy), it finally feels like these two are on the right path to actually being together again. We don’t want to sit here and think and/or guarantee that they are staying in such a positive spot, mostly because let’s face it: This is Chicago PD. This is not the sort of show that makes you feel safe or secure with virtually any character you end up seeing in the end.

Still, this is a really positive step and reward to everyone who has been waiting for a LONG time. Also, it was the perfect way to end the episode given that we can imagine, at least for now, that the two are happy and not having to deal with any more problems.

So why did producers wait this long? Some of it may have been not wanting to do too many office romances at once, but there also seemed to be almost constantly other stories going on when it came to these characters. There was always some aggravating obstacle that they are forced to deal with. The fact that some of those are checked off, at least at the moment, feels like a rare chance for genuine bliss.

What lies ahead now?

We hope that there are chances that they can go out and enjoy life as a couple, but they could keep it to themselves for a while. They also have jobs that will still command a lot of their time. That is unavoidable.

Related Go ahead and see more news on Chicago PD, including some other details on what lies ahead

What did you think overall about the total events of Chicago PD season 10 episode 17, including the Burgess – Ruzek kiss?

Be sure to share in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are other updates ahead and of course, we do not want you missing any of them. (Photo: NBC.)

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