The Bachelor finale: Who did Zach Shallcross pick, Gabi or Kaity?

The Bachelor Zach

What happened over the course of The Bachelor finale tonight? Did Zach Shallcross pick Gabi or Kaity? We know these were the huge questions and like everyone else, we were psyched to get to the bottom of them over time.

Of course, we also knew that entering the finale, it was going to be hard to picture an ending that did not evolve Kaity getting to that final rose ceremony. She’s been the favorite on the season for well over a month, and it has been abundantly clear for a good while now that Zach is utterly smitten with her. There was no real need for there to be a lot of drama over the course of the installment, given that we were looking at such a predictable outcome at the end of it all.

With that being said, we still had to see if things went down exactly like we thought, and also how Gabi would react to all of it. Remember that for most of the season, one of the big narratives was her talking about how she didn’t want to feel like she was in second place. After all, that is a sentiment that she’s had for a good chunk of her life already.

There is a weird predictability to the show, mostly in that the moment that Gabi walked in first to the final rose ceremony, we knew that she was going to be the first one sent out. You could see in his eyes just how much he did care for her but in the end, this is the way the show goes. (Also, we think the producers were thrilled to have a more traditional finale.) It was so sad seeing Gabi even recognizing that this was probably coming before it happened.

In the end, though, Kaity got the final rose and that’s where things stand. The After the Final Rose part will give us a better sense of their future.

Related Check out some more of what we had to say entering tonight’s big The Bachelor finale

Who did you think we were going to see Zach Shallcross pick entering The Bachelor finale?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates. (Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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