Doctor Who teaser: What is Doom’s Day?
Today, the folks over at BBC One have posted a new Twitter video hyping up some sort of reveal coming tomorrow, but they have not shared all that much as of yet when it comes to precisely what this is. We don’t think it is that hard to speculate, though, with the easiest theory being that this is tied to some sort of audio or animated project. There is a Four to Doomsday buried deep within the series’ past already — think in terms of the early 1980’s. The description of a DVD set on Amazon about it is utterly fantastic for newer fans of the show:
In “Four to Doomsday,” Peter Davison’s recently regenerated Fifth Doctor is burdened by the most irritating trio of companions in the history of the show (Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan) when the Tardis materializes inside a vast starship with a multiracial crew from Earth’s distant past. Downloaded into computer chips are the memories of the 3 billion survivors of the Urbankan race, and the Earth is to be their new home. Meanwhile, Monarch, a giant green frog-thing, wants to travel back to the Big Bang to meet God, who he is convinced is himself.
No matter what we end up seeing over the course of tomorrow, it does feel one more that this is Doctor Who really honoring its history once more. This is something that they have tried to do for a long time, so we don’t want to sit here and say that this is something that is altogether new to any of them. However, with Russell T. Davies coming back as showrunner, we do tend to think we are going to see more nostalgia than ever.
After all, remember that the 60th anniversary special is coming later this year, and it features the return of David Tennant!
Related – Check out more news on Doctor Who right now, including what we’re hoping to learn rather soon
What do you think could be going on with Doctor Who and Doom’s Day at the moment?
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