The Last of Us season 1 episode 9: A short finale run time?

The Last of Us season 1

As we get ourselves prepared for The Last of Us season 1 episode 9 on HBO this weekend, there are two things to remember. First, this is the emotional season finale. Also, this is the shortest episode of the post-apocalyptic series we have had a chance to see so far.

There have been multiple reports and listings out there about the total length for the episode, titled “Look for the Light.” Almost all of them do suggest that they go somewhere between 43 and 45 minutes. Either way, this is an incredibly short episode for a season finale, and it does raise a lot of debates about the show’s issues with pacing.

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We do not think that there is any denying that The Last of Us as a weekly TV-watching experience has been nothing short of incredible. However, it would probably feel a little bit disjointed as a binge-watch, given the longer episodes, such as the Bill-and-Frank opus (amazing as it was), feature characters who are not prominent parts of the rest of the story. Meanwhile, it seems like the show has condensed some of the more action-packed sequences into a shorter amount of time. Maybe it is because video-game violence does not play out the same way on TV; or, maybe there is only so much that could be allowed when it comes to the budget.

No matter the reasoning, the shorter finale run time does make us wonder if the first season really does make it to the end of the game. So far, signs point to that being the case, and fans of the Naughty Dog series know that we’re pretty close to the ending at this point. Still, you always have to wonder about these sort of things. We know already that a season 2 has been greenlit at HBO, and we do estimate that it will be focused entirely on the sequel.

Related Check out some more news right now about the upcoming finale for The Last of Us

What do you think we are going to see play out over the course of The Last of Us season 1 finale?

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