The Flash season 9 episode 5 spoilers: Will Red Death … die?

The Flash season 9

As we get ourselves prepared for The Flash season 9 episode 5 on The CW this week, there is absolutely one thing that we want: A showdown. A real battle between The Flash and the Red Death.

So far, you can argue that the writers have been somewhat slow-playing this rivalry, which is interesting given that Wednesday’s installment is probably the final time we are going to see Red Death as the main villain. We do at least know a few things about her that we didn’t previously, including that her speed is artificial and by virtue of that alone, she is not the source of the Negative Speed Force now with the Reverse Flash gone. Instead, that is still looming out there, most likely in the form of Cobalt Blue, who could be the final big bad.

We know that Red Death wants revenge, but we hope that there is an unrelenting quality to her in the upcoming showdown. There have been some criticisms already of some of the final battles we’ve seen on The Flash over the years, with the biggest one being the attempt to redeem baddies or just talk them out of causing more trouble. We don’t want to necessarily see that here, given that Javicia Leslie’s character seems to be empowered so much by her own belief. She 100% thinks that what she is doing is right, and doesn’t seem all that concerned with ethical concerns or if it is helping / hurting anyone. How can you make her turn away from that?

Even if Red Death doesn’t die, we do hope that there is an ending where she is still the same character we’ve seen so far this season.

No matter how this ends, we are at least grateful that we’ve had the Red Death storyline in the first place, given that it was established so many years ago on the show and for a good while, we weren’t sure that it was going to ever mean anything other than an Easter egg. It’s nice to be proven otherwise to a certain degree!

Related Check out more on the end of season 9 filming

What do you most want to see at the moment entering The Flash season 9 episode 5?

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