Big Brother 25 will reportedly still have live feeds

Big Brother 24

For those out there concerned that Big Brother Canada 11 moving away from live feeds could have consequences for Big Brother 25, don’t be — at least for now.

According to a report from Entertainment Weekly, a source close to production claims that the CBS version of the show is still planning to offer up feeds through their Paramount+ streaming service.

Do we understand the concern big-time for all of this? A million times yes. After all, just remember for a moment that the live-feeds are really the most important part of the experience for many fans, and the decision from the Canadian show came as a shock. However, it remains important to note that there is a totally different ecosystem for how feeds work north of the border, as opposed to what’s happening here in the United States. Big Brother Canada did not profit the same from their feeds, especially when a ton of people were trying to watch from places that weren’t even in Canada. Meanwhile, Big Brother in the US funnels people into Paramount+, where they make direct money every month. (Also, the Canadian feeds were never up as much as the US ones to begin with.)

One of the things that the Canadian show has cited as a reason to abandon feeds is the mental well-being of their contestants. That is understandable given that the social-media world of the show can be heated. However, that may still be there regardless and we feel like rather than trying to shield viewers from the truth, the production instead should just be providing everyone the proper resources in order to deal with it. We should also note that Big Brother Canada is going to offer Digital Dailies, unedited clips from the house that will be available throughout the game.

Of course, we don’t think this will be a great replacement for a lot of people out there.

Related Read more about the Big Brother Canada decision

What do you think about Big Brother 25 continuing to have live feeds?

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