Mayor of Kingstown season 2 episode 7 preview: Freeing Bunny?

Mayor of Kingstown season 2

We don’t know if this is going to be a huge surprise to anyone out there, but things are going to get heated moving into Mayor of Kingstown season 2 episode 7 next week. How else can you explain where we are at the moment in the story?

Remember here that at the end of episode 6, it seems as though Bunny is going to apply more leverage than ever to find his way out. Mike, as a result of that, is going to be left to make some really difficult decisions. There will be a lot of struggles over the course of the next few episodes, and we’d tell you to go ahead and be prepared for that now!

Are we in the home stretch at the moment for season 2? We’d go ahead and argue that based on where things stand. We certainly think that there could be even more characters who die, so go ahead and be prepared for that. (We have a hard time thinking that what you saw this time around is going to be enough in that department.)

Beyond what’s obviously present at the moment for Jeremy Renner’s character, there is another thing to wonder about right now: What is the mental toll of all of this going to be on him? Because some of the episodes as of late have been pretty short, there hasn’t really been a lot of time to properly focus on that. It is one of the reasons why, over the next few weeks, we’re hoping that there’s going to be a chance to see a few personal, more intimate moments. It helps to balance out some of the politics and violence we’re seeing both in the prison and outside of it.

Now that we’ve spelled out most of the story, let’s also pose the following question: Are we going to get news on a season 3 soon? Is that too much to ask?

What are you the most excited to see right now when it comes to Mayor of Kingstown season 2 episode 7?

Do you think that Bunny is going to be getting out? Share right now in the comments, and also come back for other updates.

Photo: Paramount+

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