The Wheel of Time season 2 premiere date: Is this the pace?

The Wheel of Time

When are we going to learn a season 2 premiere date for The Wheel of Time over at Prime Video? This is a big, burning question that is out there, and for good reason! Anytime you have a show that is this beloved, there will inevitably be a lot of questions and/or enthusiasm surrounding when you can expect to see a little bit more of it.

Unfortunately, we still are in a spot where it is not coming in the immediate future. As great as it would be to get some sort of announcement over the next week or two, we are 100% at the mercy of the streaming service. More than likely, the series IS going to be coming back in the spring but by the time we see it, it could be over 16 months since the first season premiered! Crazy as that may seem, that’s something that is in place right now.

So is this the pace that all future seasons of The Wheel of Time could air at? We know that this may not be anyone’s favorite question to think about, but we do think there’s a reasonable chance that is the case. Even though there is already a season 3 ordered, the truth here is that with a show this epic, there’s only so much that can be sped up without cutting a few corners here and there. Our early feeling is that it could very well be fall 2024 when season 3 premieres, mostly because of 1) the long time the show films and 2) the extremely long time that goes into post-production.

The only issue that comes with long hiatuses is that there is that fear viewership drops off somewhat over time. Luckily, we don’t think there is any waning enthusiasm with this show right now; let’s just hope things stay where they are when it comes the hype.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Wheel of Time, including more on when the show could be coming back

Are you hoping that we’ll at least hear soon some premiere date news for The Wheel of Time season 2?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back for other updates on the series.

Photo: Prime Video

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