Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off: 2023 expectations

Game of Thrones Jon Snow

Now that we are in the calendar year 2023, what is there to expect from the potential Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off at HBO?

It goes without saying at this point, but we’re pretty darn excited for what could be coming up here! We should start off, though, by noting that at the time of this writing, the network still hasn’t officially picked up the show. It’s all still quietly in development at this point … if even that. George R.R. Martin did note recently that some planned projects recently were put on hold or scrapped amidst the Warner Bros. Discovery merger and the chaos it caused. However, there are still multiple ideas still being tinkered with behind the scenes and we tend to think that this is one of them. If it wasn’t, we tend to think that we would hear something.

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For the time being, we are reasonably hopeful that we are going to be getting some sort of official news on the Jon Snow project this year — just don’t expect it to be right away. The most realistic scenario right now is that HBO takes their time to ensure the idea is perfect, and then announces it around the middle of next year. That would allow for a potential premiere date in 2025, right in the middle of House of the Dragon season 2 and a potential season 3.

There are also a few other questions that would need to be answered here along the way. Take, for example, whether or not some other characters from Game of Thrones could appear. Also, is this the only other potential project coming? We do think there could be one more that gets a green light alongside the Kit Harington one, but HBO is intentionally keeping a tight lid on things. After all, they don’t want to create expectations yet for something that may not happen.

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What do you think we will learn in regards to the Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off in 2023?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates. (Photo: HBO.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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